Happy Heart Day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

With Valentine's Day just around the corner love is in the air! Grab some conversation hearts to nibble on while you look at these handmade goodies that will make you look sweet for your sweets.
Remember to click the pics if you're interested in buying any of these items!
Lotsa Love!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Pink Lolita Bow Ring $15 by Candychick

Strawberry Hime Petite Bow Scarf $20 by mousseauchocolat

Sweet Girly Princess Panda Ballerina Necklace $18.99 by missmercy

Big Pink Bunny Ring $5 by melodydoll

Sweet Valentine Leggings $40 by kelseygenna

White Kitten Muff $72 by ImYourPresent

The Cutest Mouse Necklace $21 by HelloKewpie

Cute Light Pink Bearwarmers $14 by CrimsonEtClover

1 Bows:

lauren carney said...

oh i am thoroughly enjoying the prettiness of this post!
the pictures are all quite lovely!
thanks for the inspiration!
happy blogging x x

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